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Detectors and analysers and spectrometers

Dognose Handheld Explosives Detector

    The Dognose handheld explosives detector adopts the latest advanced fluorescence quenching technology which is based on fluorescent variation of different molecules towards florescent polymer to identify different material. This instrument is able to check samples by wiping or inhaling method. Once explosives are detected, bright fluorescent polymer instantly turns into dim. It is able to identify whether there are explosives or not by testing fluorescence intensity.

    It can detect almost all the nitro compounds, including but not limited to military explosives like TNT, NG, AN, DNT, RDX, PETN, Semtex, HMX, TATP, PA, NQ, TATB, EGDN, Black powder, Comp B, C4, TETRYL, etc.

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